Last June I made a vow to buy no new clothes for one year. It was going really well. I've been mending clothes and finishing sewing projects and the urge to go shopping was definitely there but I resisted. Until...the perfect opportunity to rationalize a shopping trip arrived: the job interview. When I was asked to interview I had a mild panic due to my lack of professional clothes. As I looked over my current selection of tattered and coffee stained khackis it was very apparent that I didn't own anything professional enough for an interview. So I told myself I would buy one pair at old navy and be done.
Once inside the store I started to panic there were sale signs everywhere. Comfy T's for 5.99, Peasant blouses for ten dollars. I threw all rationale to the wind and spent just under a hundred dollars. I walked out of the store feeling sick to my stomach. On one hand I had some new articles of clothing perfect for interviewing and starting a new job but on the other hand disappointed that I didn't have the will-power to go one single year.
So here I am starting again but with a more reasonable goal. For one year I will participate in the Dottie Angel Challenge; only purchasing used or handmade items for my house and closet. I will attempt to first buy locally and if that doesn't work then online from small indy stores or etsy type marketplaces. Additionally I can only buy new fabric IF I use up my ample fabric store (Boxes and boxes of beautiful fabrics I've purchased over the years). The only exception is I need new carharts, a necessity for Alaskan winters, and when my broken ankle is healed if I need new shoes or boots thats ok for the sake of my orthopedic health.
Join me in this challenge and check out the Dottie Angel blog.