Well I've come to the simple conclusion that it doesn't matter how many questions you ask or how compatible someones answers sound. In the end you have to Listen to your heart, never second guess your gut feeling, and allow yourself to be confidant enough to walk away when clearly you are talking to MR. WRONG!
Its hard because I want to treat everyone nice and I want to be polite but in an incredibly short amount of time I came to resent the suck on my time, feel repulsed by the idiocracy of his sweet talking BS, and bored to tears by his "intelligent conversation". Not to be superficial but its really hard to find that kopasetic middle ground with someone who's educational/career level is vastly different than mine. I'm not especially smart or successful, nor do I have especially lofty career goals, but I really need to feel mentally stimulated by someone. Its such a huge turn off when theres nothing to talk about.
So I guess it goes without saying that I'm done talking to the guy from the past. I'm feeling strongly that If I don't currently know a potential date in the real world then I have no desire to talk in the virtual world. What a waste of time Mr. Wrong was.